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Open your mind
Knowledge is key for bringing the world together in peace. Knowledge of history is most important because from history we can learn why things are the way they are today. Knowledge is also key for Americans to understand why 1/3rd (at least) of the world hates America. Only when the population has learned the facts can peace be achived.

How many have to die while we remain comfortable and safe. When will the world care for their brothers and sisters of humanity regardless of skin tone, religion or nationality. Nationlism is the worst disease of all for it divides mankind so that the powerful can dominate.

The Holy Qu'ran Do you want to know more about Islam? Then read.
Learn about the Bush family Many books on the Bush family and connections to crime
The CIA and drug smuggling
We Hold These Truths Christian web site tells the truth about the lies that Israel spews forth.

Wizards Of Money Learn the lies about American Money and the system.
The Nation News magazine you have to read.
Counter Punch Real News that matters.
White House Web page This site shows Bush's true colors