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What the Left Side is about
Hello everybody and welcome to THE LEFT SIDE. The purpose of this site is to educate the public about American forgien policy (I love America but I'm pissed with whats being done in my name!), Fighting in Occupied Palestine and other world events as I see fit. One thing I want to make very clear is that I am not anti-semetic I am anti-zionist. What the Israelis are doing to the Palestinians is called extermanation and genocide (which is backed by the US). I happen to think that genocide is wrong no matter what happened in the past. Just because something horrible happened to your people in the past it does not give you the right to repeat those same crimes. I will be dealing with material that is in-your-face. The reason for this in-you-face approach is that most people don't seem to get it unless you put it right in front of them and say "here look at this." I am commited to TRUTH and the pursuit of it. Therefore what you find here will be to the best of my knowledge TRUTH.

Current Reading Material
By Noam Chomsky

Described by the New Youk Times as "an exploder of received truths," Noam Chomsky is an articulate opponent of political hypocrisy, state brutality and abuse of power. ROUGE STATES is the result of his tireless efforts to measure the world's superpowers by their own standards and to hold them responsible for the acts they commit in the name of their people.

The United States and its allies come in for particular scrutiny for their numerous blatant violations of the very international laws they claim to uphold. With analysis of the United States's bombing campaign against Iraq, NATO's intervention in Kosovo, US support for a regime of terror in East Timor, and the political crisis in Colombia, Chomsky interrogates the rhetoric of Western foreign policy to reveal the insidious intrests behind insupportable actions - from paralyzing economic sanctions to surgical military strikes.

The Right Side
The Right Side is a site that is being done by my friend Adam. While the two sites may not concentrate on the same subjects they do present opposing viewpoints. Adam is a right wing capitalist while I am left wing progressive. Having this link between sites is definatly benificial to the fact that one side can see what the other is thinking. This also promote's debate which promote's understanding and knowledge. I think to many Americans don't think enough. Stuck in front of the tv or the computer. And if they do read they read fiction. Learn the facts America. Read, it's good for you like milk.

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"Truth is stranger than fiction"